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Dowiedz się więcej
What do you get: commercial real estate, such as shops or office premises in the demanded area of the Northern Cyprus. The object is located along a busy road. On construction: the construction of the facility will begin in October 2023, the end is planned in October 2024. With the initial contribution of 50%, installments are valid until the end of construction. District \ Beach: Ozanka located 5 km east of Kirenia, the village of Ozanka (previously known as Kazpahani), is one of the most beautiful places in the Northern Cyprus. This opens one of the best views of the monastery in Bellapais. The village itself is known for its large gardens of olive, rye and lemon trees. The village is located on the edge of the foothill of the mountain range. What is near: the construction area is actively developing, there are both residential buildings and various commercial or state institutions, which favorably affects the attendance of your commercial premises. What is in the complex: there will be 4 stores and 4 office premises in the complex. Inside: 4 stores in the style of loft with free layouts are on sale.The area of stores is from 167 m2 to 202 m2. Office premises from 65 m2 to 75 m2
The premises will be delivered completely with finishing, in each room there is a toilet. Who can be interesting: commercial real estate, located in such an attractive place, will be an excellent investment for the investor, and will provide you with stable and high income for a lot of time.
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