Who is the happiest in Europe? Fresh statistics
Austrians, Finns, and Romanians are more satisfied with their lives than residents of other EU countries. Eurostat found out how Europeans’ life satisfaction has changed over 3 years (from 2018 to 2021).
What criteria were considered in the study? Financial well-being, working conditions, education, social circle, intimate life, etc.
How has European life satisfaction changed over 3 years? Compared with 2018, in 2021, people were a little less satisfied with their lives — now the total score is 7.2 points (0.1 points lower than before). This was primarily influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic, which damaged both the economy and people’s mental state.
The list of the most satisfied Europeans (by country) looks as follows:
1. Austria — 8.0 points
2. Finland — 7.9
3. Romania — 7.7
4. Netherlands — 7.6
5. Poland — 7.5
6. Sweden — 7,5
7. Belgium — 7,5
8. Slovenia — 7.5
Only in Lithuania (+0.6), Croatia (+0.5), Greece and Romania (+0.4 each) the level of happiness has increased over these three years. On the contrary, satisfaction decreased among residents of Ireland (-0.8), France and Denmark (-0.5 each). In terms of age, young people from 16 to 29 years feel the happiest.
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