
Warszawa, ul. Franciszka Klimczaka 10A, lok. 5, 02-797
Company Type
Company Type
Real estate agency
Company's year of foundation
Company's year of foundation
On the platform
On the platform
7 months
Русский, Polski, Українська
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Our agents in Poland
Agencies nearby
Poland, Greater Poland Voivodeship
Company's year of foundation 2020

Keller Williams (1983) is a leader in the global property sales market.

Numerous publishers, including Forbes, have recognised the company as one of the top-rated real estate agencies. We currently operate in 52 countries, which helps us to find properties for our clients, even on other continents.

Throughout the world Keller Williams branches apply the American standard of service, built on the professionalism and efficiency that is the foundation of the company. In practice, our work provides honest and reliable customer relationships that guarantee reassurance and peace of mind. Focusing on the client's request, we are attentive to all details of the transaction.

We strive to accurately understand your needs in order to offer the best possible deal!

Our company co-operates with all developers in Poland, all real estate agencies in Poland and has access to a closed database of properties which are not publicly available on the Internet.

While providing services, our agency offers trusted specialists, which can be needed during real estate transactions:

Loan advisors Certified translators Notaries, lawyers, solicitors Construction companies/interiors Architects Interior designers/visualisers

*all specialists speak russian/polish.

We help our clients buy their dreams and see their future become stable!

Our main goal is for the client to feel cared for.

Our main wish is for the customer to discover new opportunities through cooperation with us.

Our priority is your time and comfort!

Poland, Koszalin

Our real estate agency specializes in the sale of houses and apartments in Warsaw and its surroundings. We provide comprehensive services to our clients, always offering qualified advice and choosing the most optimal solutions for them at every stage of the process. We sell high-quality real estate and plan our activities looking to involve our clients as little as possible so that they can continue to enjoy their freedom and spend their valuable time on what really is important to them.

Poland, Poznan

International real estate agency in Poznan, Poland. We provide services for the purchase of real estate in Poland and other countries. Primary and secondary real estate market. The level of professionalism and experience of our experts allows us to serve all segments of the real estate market - from small flats and houses to hotels, business centres and industrial buildings. Our clients can rely on our experts to supervise the complete transaction, from signing the real estate contract and presenting the properties before notary formalities and the actual handover of the real estate as well as 24/7 availability of our professionals. We provide additional related services such as mortgage lending, design and decoration and property management.


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English, Русский, Polski, Українська
Mickiewicza 37/58, 01-625 Warszawa
Poland, Warsaw

Real Estate Agency in Warsaw. We select apartments for sale, houses, and commercial properties according to your needs both in the primary market, including the property at the construction stage, and in the secondary real estate market. Our goal is to work with the client at every stage of renting/buying real estate in Warsaw. The high quality of our services is the key to long-term cooperation with every client. We speak the same language with the client - with you!

Please tell the seller that you found this ad on
English, Русский, Polski, Українська, Türkçe