The 4-room apartment is for sale, an area of 77.5kv. Mnu 8-meatjed-like-like-class “Rodnekvartals”. Sortedeled planning: Large-liter, height-tap 2,95m, balcony, wardrobe, master-pale. Poddelkadempredirpredvyk TovkhvhiteBox Ibrozoddelkivdrogihki Korpyzhkki. Rodnihvartals, built-in, environmentally friendly recruiting, and male-mock-and-dimensional-dilapidated-sustainables of the Supervisor-sulfide Ryeatomuzonokonoks are reduced by the imperishable, with which the abuse of the reservoirs of the reservoir of the reservoir Nththacultural underdates of the RASDNARODS. Squirrels are used to condensatelycorelycophores, spawning - eminent, go. Directly signs the darkens, will get busted by a bureaucratic -free -and -sportingvenues. Oilamalyamashepypro -Bustigro -rawks, developing, coordination of illegality. Dodvorahinabulvarebulvarebudszda -special -specialized artillery agents. Varo -Zhilkompleklekomplete -assembled 6 gaprotarisidoidsheiocolo 9GA - LACKING. PLASSISSISSISSED CLUSE (VULYANANOVSKOY PARK), CenterproPROPETICIALIGROD -SURSE "BETTER CREATION", PARK "Rucheyok" (14.5GA). Employment and light aircraft, entrances of the investibulchoroshchorochoroshchorochoroshchili. Vitrazhno -glass It is nonsense to the orphanage of the light, awethly, the lights are used. It is allocated to the confusion of the resultingemotional assembly convertible vehicle Urca. Comfortable Ishotadomovomnomnomnomnaruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuovo10 stores. Summarly-owned underground parking, which are arranged by subsiditericity-coreCabinets "Family") Cycs of the Mortgrass Caution of Glasses -Highlights. Varryphydrakoykoye canalize the nalifteilicated. Infectant, produced colorfulfidelines, intuitive to a deterioration, in "relatives Khkvartals ”will appear by the benefits, diverse stores, pharmacy-eagle-core and everyday objects. They will condemn, the main muscles, at the first-storey of the dwellers. Superiorraion“ Rodnievartals ”will be built:-educational center: school1300 forepill тскийсадна250малышей,-двадетскихсадана200месткаждый(одинизнихсдаётсяв1-йочереди).Втранспортнойдоступностиужеработают:-школа№41идетскийсад—поБоровскомушоссе,-школа№2057идетскийсад—назападотрайона,вдер.Марушкино.ЖК«Родныекварталы»строи School -co -co -carcasses, B15 Minatyatyatyatoyleotaleotaerorta "Vnukovo". Rayonobespecan -like projudicredrikrupny -renovative automatic vehicles. The work of the work of systemanemanocratic vehicle is used, including the newcomerFlights. Intentelentections are intended to carry out a combination of crap vehicles: metro (station "Vnukovo") IMCD (Station "Tolstopaltsevo"). proposals of the post -build -upmarte 2025:
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