Hotel 480 m² Miljevci, Czarnogóra

Miljevci, Czarnogóra


  • Kraj
  • Okolica
    Bar Municipality
  • Wioska

Charakterystyka obiektu

Parametry obiektu

  • Powierzchnia całkowita
    Powierzchnia całkowita
    480 m²

Szczegóły zewnętrzne

Cechy zewnętrzne:

  • Taras


A mini hotel in SutomoreHotel is located in the city of Sutomore. The 4-storey apartment hotel has a green area with a subtropical garden and swimming pool. The hotel has a total area of 480 m2, located on the plot - 350 m2. The hotel was renovated in 2005. All apartments have new furniture. On the ground floor there is: restaurant with bar, kitchen, 2 toilets and balcony On the second floor: one apartment with one bedroom and one apartment with two bedrooms On the third floor: one apartment with one bedroom and one apartment with three bedrooms On the fourth floor there is: penthouse apartment, total area - 130 m2. All apartments are furnished, each apartment has a bathroom (1-2), kitchen and terrace
Zaktualizowano: 23.04.2024

Lokalizacja na mapie

Miljevci, Czarnogóra
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