Office 124 m² in Veroce, Hungary

Veroce, Hungary, Szobi jaras, Koezpontban
Archive cost €98,881
Sold or out of date
Updated at: 08/09/2022


Country: Hungary
State: Central Hungary
Region: Pest megye
City: Szobi jaras
Village: Veroce
Address: Központban

Building parameters

The year of construction: 1940

Property parameters

Total area: 124 m²


On a settlement settling down in picturesque environment, on the coast of Danube, Verőce, frequented place salesman it from 3 big rooms standing, because of the position of 2 bathroomed real estates, which are suitable for an any kind of business venture, in a centre. It was fitted out with an immovable safety warning system with all public utilities, in the yard covered gépkocsistanding can be found.


  • Parking
  • Good condition
  • Yes
  • Balcony
  • Transformable rooms


Veroce, Hungary, Szobi jaras, Koezpontban