1 room apartment 27 m² Minsk, Belarus

Belarus, Minsk, Brilevskaya ul 35
Archive cost €43,258
Sold or out of date
Updated at: 01/08/2024


Country: Belarus
City: Minsk
Address: Brilevskaya ul 35

Building parameters

The year of construction: 21
Number of floors: 25

Apartment parameters

Floor: 1
Rooms: 1
Total area: 27 m²
Living area: 23 m²


Guarantee of transaction security and full legal support! Haven't sold your property yet or want to exchange your property, we will help you! Apply online on our website or contact us by phone for more detailed information. ODO "Dianest-Stroyinvest", UNP 191286580, license No. 02240/217 dated December 30, 2010, agreement for the provision of real estate services No. 102/2 dated March 22, 2024. Agreement number with the agency 102/2 dated 2024-03-22


  • Double-glazed windows
  • Intercom
  • New building


Belarus, Minsk, Brilevskaya ul 35