one of the last, preserved barnengutsh ä user of the country:
guts administrator goddin with 7,000 (or up to 35,000) qm together with trees ü Highlights:
Mecklenburg Seenplatte, Nä He estate system Ivenack (= lake with island,
ä lifts of Central Europe, extended park with treetop path).
one of the last of its kind; A barn-guys house, Fr ü also manor administrator of the former fl ä chenm ä ß ig gr ö ß ten estate facility of the state
(7.902 hectar = dom ä Lake of the same name & Garden, field /pasture /meadow, 2 or 3 ponds and the m ö /> with studio / loft and / or freelance / self ä ndiger t ä To let natural landscape move in.
A really good purchase price (project -typical with offer for rental purchase) rounds off the matter.
structural unique position, particularly quiet field edge with an unobstructable outlook, basic ü ck Gr ö ß
according to arrangement /if necessary to be expanded to directly adjacent natural land (right, left & towards field)
(3 x with ponds, from parish seat, 1 x with tree population and ‚ indoor ‘ garden area or litter area)
2-storey with Great; em Mansardendach, D.G. (= former grain chamber in continuously open construction with bar construction),
e.G.: former living area behind Mittelrisalit, 1 former shop area (‚ Consum ‘) + 1 stable content + 1 coachment in the e.G., with ground -level access –
property ideal for group & Community living, ‚ assisted living ‘ / Hospiz, Pr ä Ventivzentrum, as a children's & Youth home, as (Ayurvedic) healing center, as meditation & Cultural site in a mixture of private living, studio/s, lofts, seminars, courses & Events (+ ‚ Open-Air ‘)!
also a Art ' Agricultural School ' with directly adjacent sample ä W ä re at this location good ...
the big; e, quiet & Gr ü ne Grundst ü Use can be included …
conclusion: a living & Commercial property for nature lovers, connoisseurs & Lovers of special historical real estate;
already empty time,
with corresponding structural Sch ä den,
nevertheless with acceptable building fabric, l ä Usable.
Note: M ö Equal extension flies 1) left of the path = smaller pond with tree population /2) on the right, just below house = gr ö ß erer pond with meadow /
3) north ö stems (right above house): tree stock
‚ Garden /4) Fundst ü Pictures on request.
Data sheet Guts administrator/Scheunengutshaus Goddin:
Year of construction: First H ä Lfent 18. century
Grundst ü cksfl ä che: 7,000 sqm
district: goddin
flurst ü cke: 87/89/89/91 + 96
UsFL ä CHE: 2 x 650 qm
BGF EG: 877 sqm
Netto: 657 sqm
+ attic ß
+ pointed floor (expansion reserve)
brick stones: monastery format (28 x 14 x 7 cm)
3-part with 3-axis medium-level
EG left + Living area
EG Mitte: farm shop (consumption) + passage area, middle entrance OG /DG
EG Right: Living part + coache (large ß e Number of stored brick stones …)
DACH: MANSARDKR ü PPLEWALMDACH, Double Bieber tail covering (tlw. Renewed) Sacrifice + small mansard window
on the ground floor. Various floor depth t ü
Documents existing:
architectural plan with a corridor map & Baupl ä nen
sketch roof structure /construction
former. Building permit
Geological floor report
wood protection report
Statik report
fire protection report
design plan for park & amp; Garden ground ü ck
gro ß it natural with free field view
various, directly adjacent natural grounds ü cke k ö ‚ Waldrundst ü ck ‘ =
by up to 35,000 sqm expandable overall grounds ü ber ä Umt, renovation bed ü
Purchase price: 179,000 &euros;
rental purchase with 120,000 euros; Down for cooperation partner project 7-e m ö