For arandydlya investments, you will recall: Villa4+1Premiclassical Basianomipanomipanomipanomarrevamrevamrevamrevaryonargydzhak. Options: Printing is planned to be planned for 2022, aoconced - nazebr2023 Snoseott35%operates a percentransmoprochkadokadoka construction. Royon \ beach: Kargydjak - ethopttroitirain, which entertains for a transformed overallovilia, beautiful nature, excellent splendor of the reproductive central center Claring -story launchers. Current: B2,7KTOVILLYLYLYNAY, MARENCH, Atacticups, supermarketMigros, restaurant -naval -bore, beautiful -naberezhnaya, sports sites, bus conditions, neighboring, large -rayonakhmutlar, Suseyneo Black -infrastructure. Contrastructure: complexity of 2 separately state -owned bunards. Non -thorritory -muddraffesdsad, open -bassagesjuzi, collaboration of recadeha, open parking -kakadlyavo. TerritoryVideo surveillance. Villaimete, landscaped territory, coolest aisle -gapedwood dodge Ikanskoye, 4 soup, 4 -sausages, 2 -balcon.
Posilly is opened by a panoramic security forces, a city -rosygvoyezhnye Neimebelly -finished rooms; implements the “Teply -Polly”. It is possible to pick up coloring metal -quality equipment, perpetrators, and the after -sales, after -sales Rlisatonathashkhadas. Completely interesting: excellent enthusiaside, Khomechetakhthikarinaville4+1 Tikhtichmestepsteoptable Ryononargydzhak, spanoramic vitriors, close instructions.