How will Greece fight the labor shortage? The authorities have announced their plan
The Greek authorities will begin to deal decisively with the labor shortage—the authorities have announced plans to integrate into society more than 300,000 illegal migrants in the country.
In recent years, Greece has faced labor shortages in several key sectors, but agriculture is particularly affected. The low number of workers results in the loss of a significant part of the harvest.
Because of this, Greece's migration minister, Dimitris Kairidis, announced the country's plans to integrate irregular migrants. These measures cover not only undocumented migrants but also those whose residence permits have already expired. The initiative aims to introduce migrants into Greek society and the labor market.
The authorities claim that the initiative will not lead to an increase in illegal migration to Greece. On the contrary, it contributes to increasing public revenues and addressing the shortage of human resources in a number of sectors.
Due to its geographical location, Greece has long faced a flow of irregular migrants. According to the Financial Times, about 7,000 people have arrived in the country's islands since the beginning of September 2023, causing the capacity of migrant centers to be exhausted.
The Greek government notes that it will remain fair and tough at the same time. Despite the integration of migrants, the country will carefully guard its borders. At the same time, Greek authorities promise to provide “humane conditions for asylum seekers.”
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