Portugal has launched a program to help families pay their ren
The Mais Habitação rent assistance program began operating in Portugal at the end of May. Support is directed to families who are faced with high housing costs and increased interest rates.
So, the Portuguese government promises to pay €20 to €200 monthly for five years. Families who meet the following conditions are eligible for this assistance:
- Have tax residency in Portugal.
- Rental, subletting, or mortgage agreements concluded before March 15, 2023, and registered with the tax office. During the promised five years, it is only possible to receive such compensation if you have a contract for such a period.
- The annual family income does not exceed €38,632.
- Taxa de esforço (effort ratio) equals or exceeds 35%. To calculate it, you must divide the rent by the monthly family income.
How is the amount of help calculated? To do this, you simply have to subtract 35% of your average monthly income from the rent. That is, if, for example, your income is €2000 and your rent is €800, support is €100 (€800-2000*35/100).
Interestingly, you do not have to do anything to get help. The Institute for Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU) assigns compensation automatically. Specialists from this service will send information about new beneficiaries until November 15.
The only thing to do is make sure that you have a bank account added to your personal Finanças and Segurança Social accounts. Payments will be made by the 20th of each month by card transfer.
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