gro ß es, quiet natural foundation ü 2 Str ä nden (including 1 gr ö ß erer, Sch ö ner bathing beach), directly on the sund, built with 17 born; uden = 1 villa (430 sqm), 1 g ä Stehaus (400 sqm), 13 bungalows (with 2 apartments each), 1 workshop (f ü Gastronomy, workshop, warehouse, distribution etc.) + 1 dandruff ...
Further, surrounding basic ü cksfl ä chen (forest, pasture/meadow, naturalfly ä to be acquired. Approval for new buildings (Wohnh ä user, community house, bungalows etc.) On base ü Fl ä chen of this special property (villa / g ä Stehaus / Werkhalle / Bungalows / community house / tiny-house streams / auml; tze / gastronomy / possibly Neubaufl & auml etc.) Kö to participate in the overall concept of the holiday/residential complex.
The natural foundation ü ck including the already existing borns and is being found in large associations (possibly also a cooperative!) as cultural, nature, experience, water, forest & Holiday / residential property ü ck with seminar offer etc. F ü r individual initiatives, co-organizers, Gä stand-up operator, restaurateurs, tourism providers etc. H ä user, Neubaufl & Auml & All activities ä ten & amp, which are otherwise suitable for the overall offer / usage concept; Service offers on their own direction or with long -term cooperation agreement can be brought in there ...
Follow more detailed information! Basis ü Cks content):
1) Villa (pilot house, 3 floors, 430 sqm + garden) = 345,000 &euros;
2) Gä Stahaus (formerly Gasthaus, 400 sqm + terrace/n) = 189,000 &euros; / Community room etc.) = 179,000 &euros;
4) M ö Approval (former bungalow settlement, 1 hectares) = depending on the large; ß e of the plot: 50,000-150,000 &euros;
5) Waldkundst ü ck, approx. 2 hectares = depending on the shares & Use
6) Starting plain F ü r ' Mobile living ' (Tiny-Houses, Earth-Ship, Tipi, Building Car, Yurts, Caravans, Reisemobile, Tents etc.) = depending on the part of the Fl ä Use
7) Price F ü r ü Bernahme by complete provider: 1,190,000 €
1 gr ö ß Erer Hof at 3 km away (3,3 hectares of nature ü Scheunen, Tiny-House-Startplpl ä tze, forest population, pastures, home garden etc.) is currently in accordance with ä
fl ä che 1 / without color = former inn / long building:
can apartment house / g ä Stehaus / FEWO system, possibly with a total of or roof terrace with forest views are
fl ä che 2 /gr ü n = villa (formerly pilot's house):
can be used for private living on 3 floors, alternatively also as a g ä available.
fl ä che 3 / red = festival meadow / event area (undeveloped, on the edge of the forest),
from here from the direct path through adjacent forest to sund (gr ö ß Pavilion area:
approx. 1 hectares / m ö /> (all -round Weidefl ä chen)
fl ä che x: possibly for purchase (ruin ö ser born
fl ä che y: possibly for the purchase (ruin ö ser born; udebestand)
fl ä che z: Waldgrundst ü cke various gr ö ß e (possibly purchased)
Fusal; & Viewing dates also under