No guarantees. What are the pitfalls to expect on the way of obtaining a Spanish digital nomad visa?
In April of this year, Spain, following other European countries, launched its Digital Nomad Visa, or DNV. The new visa was warmly welcomed, but since it became effective, experts began to say more and more often that getting the cherished document in the country is not so easy. So what are the obstacles to obtaining a Spanish digital nomad visa?
With a digital nomad visa, you can live in Spain for up to 5 years, as long as your salary is at least EUR 2,520 per month. Most foreign remote workers are taxed at 15%. At the same time, freelancers can receive up to 20% of their income from Spanish companies. Now about the pitfalls.
- According to experts, the process of obtaining a visa in Spain is characterized by significant discrimination. It is easier for some foreign nationals to obtain this visa than others. The main problem is that the government distinguishes between salaried remote workers and freelancers with their own clients. However, among applicants, there is often a category that is not taken into account—business owners who want to live in Spain and manage their business remotely.
- The second aspect has to do with obtaining a social security certificate, which provides financial support in the event of illness or disability. Freelancers have it easier: they register as self-employed (autónomo) with the Spanish Social Security Administration and pay the corresponding contributions. However, “remote workers” get this certificate in their country of origin. In addition, there must be a special agreement between Spain and the state from which the worker moves, and the payments must be made by the employer. This causes difficulties: why should the employer pay for the employee's relocation if it is not due to business purposes but is solely the employee's personal desire?
- In conditions where there is no unified online platform that contains all the necessary information, it is difficult to understand the process without the help of a migration attorney.
- Another difficulty arises—the impossibility of completing the necessary steps in sequence. A fee of 76 euros is required to obtain a nomad visa. However, in order to pay this fee, a foreigner's identification number (NIE) is required. In order to get a NIE, you need to make an appointment, which is now almost impossible to achieve.
Total: Due to various bureaucratic complexities and nuances, a foreigner will have to spend from 1500 to 3000 euros additionally and set aside at least several months for the process. And, as the lawyers say, there are no guarantees anyway.
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