New buildings for sale in Pakruojo rajono savivaldybe

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Sieciai, Lithuania
The year of construction 2018
J5 is a high-end residential complex that consists of three buildings in the quiet centre of Riga, at the intersection of Jeruzalemes and Dzirnavu streets. J5 is located in the area of the city that is known as the quiet centre. This is where you will find the best that a city centre has to …
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Sieciai, Lithuania
The year of construction 2018
Arhitekts radījis šo ēku ansambli savienojot UNESCO koka arhitektūras mantojumu ar mūsdienu tehnoloģijām un ikdienas dzīvi. Ēku ansambļa priekšgalā slejas dažāda rakstura 19 gs. radīti koka ēku šedevri, kuri kalpos mūsdienu ātrajam dzīves ritmam, turpretim klusā iekšpagalmā slejas 7 stāvu ja…
REALAT real estate
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Sieciai, Lithuania
The year of construction 2014
Renovated, renovated residential complex in Viesturdarz. The building was renovated according to historical sketches, preserving the architecture of the time. Modern materials and technologies are used in construction. The complex has security and video surveillance. Underground parking. The…
REALAT real estate
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