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For sale 0.4079 ha of agricultural plot
Looking for a spacious plot with the ability to adapt to a variety of needs? This is a great choice for those looking for investment or planning construction! This 0.4079 ha land plot is in a quiet and strategically convenient location where you can easily reach the surrounding towns and cities. This is a great place for those who want to be around nature, enjoy peace or have space for the implementation of a tourism or recreation project. The plot is in just one plot from Ramutis Pond, so you will have the opportunity to enjoy the water intake and beautiful views of nature. It is an ideal place for relaxation or fishing - living in this area will give a true oasis of peace.
.......................... More photos:
..........................Advantages of an object:
• The purpose of the site is to change the method of use of recreational areas;
• Buildings can be built on the recreational plot: homesteads, hotels, camping or recreational buildings;
• Near Ramutis Pond, making it a great choice for lovers of nature and water;
• If you want to buy only part of the plot - it's possible!
• The plot is easily accessible to the main roads, so you will quickly and comfortably reach Šilutė, Gardama and other surrounding towns.
.............................. General Information:
• Address: Šilutė r. sav., Gardam eldership, Ramučiai village;
• Price: EUR 25 000;
• total plot area: 0.4079 ha;
• There is also the option to purchase part of the plot:
1. Plot further from the road: 20.80 acres - 15 000 Eur;
2. Plot by the road: 19.99 acres - 12,500 Eur;
• Point of plot: agriculture.
............................ Communications:
• Electricity: The plot is not (is near the plot);
• Plumbing: None (is nearby city);
• Sewerage: None;
• Gas: None.
..........................Data from the NT Register of Plot:
• the main purpose of the item: agricultural
• Method of use of land plot: Other agricultural land plots
• Land plot area: 0.4079 ha
• Agricultural land area total: 0.4079 ha
• From it: Arable land: 0.4079 ha
• Drainage area area: 0.4079 ha
• Agricultural land productivity score: 41.8
• Type of measurements: Land plot is formed by cadastral measurements
~ 6.57 km to Gardam, ~ 9 min. driving by car;
~ 13.1 km to Samogitian Naumiestis, ~ 15 min. driving by car;
~ 13 km to Šilutė, ~ 13 min. driving by car;
~ 58.3 km to Klaipeda, ~ 51 min. driving by car;
................................ The Buyer does not apply !!!
................................. I kindly invite you to look at this plot at a time convenient for you.
................................... We will prepare all the necessary documents for the purchase-sale, help you get a loan, and organize the valuation of the property.For more details or inspection to contact a real estate broker
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