3-room apartment, Brest, Yankikupaly St., 1981, 1/5kirpich, 61.1/58.6/36.6/8.3, bathroom, binding logs, under Val, double-glazed windows, interior massifs, input divermetallic, ceilings (2.5m) -tings (plows, taste) injected (sat In, mutual), floors (laid-laundry)-parquitarpol, wall-morale (plowmen, taste), sticothetic coloring (mutual), suzalemnaya traffic, replaced equipment, replaced ladder, shower, a new electricatum, a telephone, an intercom Uglnikarta, gas-breeding surface, electric shower, hood, dishwasher, two-building-rush-wrapping, built-in writing (Vodska). Skvartirakhoreshoshamnaya Sye entrance. Vodoreigrovodtskodtskoye, parkingate carpades. Watch more likely
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