2-room apartment, Brest, Lutsk St., 1989, 8/9 Panel, 55.6/53.6/29.6/8.9, bathrooms of the obligation, glass Packages (adjustments), interior massive massive, input-dummal-metallic derivative, ceilings-drying (collapse), nat Yazhnaya Satin (adjustments), panelipv (sucks, taste) -2,62m., Field-laminate (reduced) Iplitka (taste, clock), zeoploin zone, replaced, replaced, replaced lamp, cast iron, new electrics, apartment Annexed by a preservation, intercom. It is growing up -up -by -time equipment. Kvartirakhoreshoshoreshoschorahmarot. Overword. Close -up entrance. Odosposajirlift.Dvoreigrovodta landfill, parkingate vehicles. Capital Rights 2022g. Replaced Trido-mummics. Procedure. Procedure. Watch more and more likely
always renovate-call! Ready to help, you will have a little use of a dodge-to-use, consider it, to familiarize yourself with a detriment-murdererians, is a daytime 3000nassite.
& nbsp;
Yamy, Gdeva!
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