3-room apartment, Brest, Makhnovicha St., 2015, 7/10 panel, 81.5/76.6/47.4/10.4, separate bathroom, double-glazed loggias, double-glazed windows, solid wood interior doors, metal entrance door, combined suspended plasterboard and stretch ceilings with a versatile lighting system (2.64 m), laminate flooring and tiles, underfloor heating (in the kitchen, in the hallway), wallpapered walls, decorative paint and decorative finishing with Venetian plaster on the walls (on the loggias), modern tiles in the bathroom, plumbing replaced ka, replaced heated towel rail, replaced plumbing pipes, bathtub, installation, intercom. Kitchen set, hood, oven, hob, built-in microwave oven and dishwasher, hallway, wardrobe in the hallway, furniture and plumbing equipment, wardrobe in the children's room, cabinet furniture in the bedroom, chandeliers and lamps. Apartment with individual designer solutions. The apartment is located on both sides. Clean entrance. One cargo-passenger elevator. The house is equipped with a ramp. Parking in the yard forcars. See more
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Agency contract number 25/1 from 2025-01-08
Posted at: 10/01/2025
Updated at: 10/01/2025