We bring to your attention a separate building located at: Minsk district, Zhdanovichsky s/s, st. Parkovaya, d. 9.
The total area is 961.7 sq.m, the area of the land is 0.1198 hectares.
the characteristics of the object:
- the building includes 3 floors;
- the format of the premises- Open Space, Cabinet system;
- installed Air conditioners;
- the bathrooms are on each floor;
- round-the-clock access to the building is made;
- convenient access roads, near the object there is a flat parking.
Important! At the moment, the building is inhabited by tenants. The object will bring profit from the first day of the purchase.
The building was designed for the hotel-restaurant complex. At the moment, it is operated as administrative-economic. Suitable for placing a healing center, food production, catering.
There is an additional opportunity to expand the boundaries of the land plot (approximately about 18 acres), on which you can organize additional parking for cars, a recreation area (arbors, etc.). Communications:
- Highlighted email. Power- 210 kW;
- heat supply (central);
- water supply and sewage (central);
- fire detectors are installed;
- the fiber is opened. "Zhdanovichi" near the embankment of the river. Svisloch. Near the facility there is a drozda reservoir, krinitsa, medical rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums. At a 3-minute walk, there is a public transport stop "Medzenter", 15 minutes before the railway station. Convenient exit to the Moscow Ring Road. A H-9036 road passes near the building.
The owner is not a VAT payer.
Consider your suggestions, ready for auction.
the number of the contract660/1ot2024-08-13