Mieszkanie Młynka, Polska

Młynka, Polska, gmina Zabierzow
Cena na żądanie


  • Kraj
  • Region / Państwo
    województwo małopolskie
  • Okolica
    powiat krakowski
  • Miasto
    gmina Zabierzow
  • Wioska


Description of property BUILDING plot in the commune of Zabierzów with an area of 36 ares. LOCATION The plot is located in Młynka in the Zabierzów commune, just 260 meters from the main road, ul. Krakowska. - 12 km to the Factory shopping center in Modliniczka. - 15 km to Roundabout Ofiar Katynia in Krakow - 5 km Krzeszowice shopping center - 4.7 km Biedronka, Rossmann, pharmacy - 2.8 km LIDL. PLOT In the spatial information system of the Zabierzów commune, the plot is located in the area marked M1U. Therefore, these are areas of single-family housing and services. The areas of single-family housing development and services are intended for the following purposes: 1) single-family housing, along with devices related to its service and home greenery, 2) development related to the conduct of non-burdensome service activities, 3) outbuildings related to agricultural activity, 4) detached garages for passenger cars. Single-family buildings should be built in a detached, semi-detached or terraced layout. Conditions for shaping development in single-family buildings: - the number of above-ground storeys of buildings is limited to two. The second floor is allowed only as a usable attic in a steep roof, - the level of the ground floor of the building should not be higher than 1.2 m above the level of the adjacent land, - the height of buildings is limited to 9.0 m, - the maximum length of the building can be 30 m. It is also allowed: 1) separation of parking units, 2) outbuildings related to agricultural activity, 3) separating landscaped green areas and sports and recreation facilities. Utilities of the plot: Electricity and gas is. Sewerage on the plot next door. PRICE PLN 846,000 I invite you for more information and a presentation of the apartment. Julia Wisniewska 796 795 587 Detailed information on the offer and real estate not published on internet portals can be found at: https://estatestreet.pl/ We also offer a free credit counseling service that allows you to obtain a mortgage on preferential terms. Feel free to contact me via the form available on the website.
Zaktualizowano: 27.06.2024

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Młynka, Polska, gmina Zabierzow
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