In the village of Talkovshchina, which is located 3 km from Slonim, a neat wooden house is sold.
The house has: a veranda, a hallway, one spacious room, a kitchen. The floors and walls are strong. Heating-stove: in the kitchen a Russian stove and in the room a stove-canch. The bathroom in the yard.
on a flat area of 25 acres are wooden outbuildings, a well. A lot of fruit trees. At the end of the site flows a stream. The gas is brought to the corner of the house, water from the well. Electricity in the house.
In the village there is a FAP, a car man comes.
A great option not only for a summer holiday, but also permanent residence surrounded by a beautiful nature.
Reasonable bargaining really Buyer!
Estrite Company LLC - the only agency in the city of Slonim on the basis of: License to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus 02240/394 dated 02.26.2020. UNP 693141368 Our address: Slonim, per. Friendship 1. Agreement for the provision of real estate services 21/7 of 03/13/2025.
Reasonable bargaining actual buyer!
the contract number with agency 21/7 of 2025-03-13