Land Klinok, Belarus

Klinok, Belarus, Klinocki sielski Saviet
ID: 2278852
Property ID on Realting
Last update: 25/03/2025


  • Country
  • State
    Minsk Region
  • Region
    Chervyen District
  • City
    Klinocki sielski Saviet
  • Village
  • Address
    N9928, 96

Property characteristics

Exterior details

Exterior features:

  • Garden


A flat section in the Chervensky district is sold. The village of Klin is located 22 kilometers from the district center, 50 kilometers from Minsk and 30 kilometers from the Pukhovichi railway station on the Minsk-Osipovich line. A plot of the correct shape of 25 hundred in the Navy, on the site is located and the household construction. Excellent access roads are paved to the site itself. Residential village, pleasant neighbors. Developed transport communication. We invite you to views.

the contract number with the agency 779/1 dated 2024-05-28

Location on the map

Klinok, Belarus, Klinocki sielski Saviet
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