The 4-room apartment is sold, an area of 10.5kv. MNA21-meatjedoma-class classes "South Yujesada." Swortzartiral planning Ovka: Large Little Littlecock, High-Academy of Assembly2,99M, Balcony, Wardrobe, Master, Terrass. Parting: WhiteBox. Storystvykv Artyrs-design of the Sybesoddelkivdrugkhkhkhkhkkizhk.zhilakompleks "South Yuzhnya-Esaada" is located, Naulitsubart Enevskaya. 3 stations metro: "Buninskyalleya" –1,1 km, "street -streets" –1.4 km, "Novomoskovskaya" (2023) - 1.6 km Eshosse -3KM, MKAD - 6,1 km. Autopted visitor -a -verterassubv (Dubblertergkad). Veneralized reality of the Blagodtylistilostylestranskaya Service (Concept of Architectural Bureau of Park): Own Park; Fruit, decorative and decorative Noselnyenselia, vertical greening, livestock, shrubs, amphitheater; yard-patiosgeoplasty; children's landscaped-based children's aids of dummers, caphars, fitness rooms, children's developmentsCenters, salons-red-haired people. Invalurators to the rescuers of the appropriate infrastructure-ionayonaguzhnayabutovo: schools, children's schools, polyclinics, trade, cultural and entertainment, sports-in-Russian objects. Promotives-Moscow. Investigation Kavmarte 2025:
Promotion: Discount7%Nadvartirolkodokodokondsamarta! KSPLUATION!
“Family ICOTECH” returned. It is being built 2.99%of the boat!