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Dowiedz się więcej
This former small wood processing company with an excellent location is located in the district of Győr-Moson-Sopron in 9482 Nagylózs and includes an industrial / commercial area with 1.5 hectares of land and an original Finnish wooden house.
The business park, which once served the timber industry, is adjacent to the Austrian border and the M85 motorway. The exit of the motorway leads to the main road 84 and is the entrance area for truck traffic to the property.
Due to its location, the property is ideal for other investment purposes, e.g. the construction of condominiums, residential buildings / condominiums that could provide housing for workers from factories located in the vicinity of the property:
- Roto Elzett Certa Kft. Lövő, 8 km away, employing about 1800 employees, specializing in the production of building hardware and locks
- Autoliv Kft. Sopronkövesd, 3 km away, employing about 2000 employees, manufacturing occupant protection devices for motor vehicles
- VELUX Magyarország Kft. Fertőd, 10 km away (800 people), also Fertőszentmiklós 12 km away (600 people)
- IKEA Sopron, 16km away (500 people)
- International Airport Meidl Airport Ltd., Fertőszentmiklós, 12 km away
In addition, there are several smaller companies with 50-100 employees in the vicinity, whose employees have to travel 40-50-60 kilometers to their place of work in order to work in 3 shifts.
However, the property can also be run as a wood processing company again, since the corresponding operating permits are currently only on hold.
The purchase price of the property for sale in the share deal process includes:
- Existing woodworking machines
- Built-in furniture of the wooden house
- The property of the limited partnership can be transferred
The Finnish wooden house (office and guest house) has an area of 120 m2. On the lower level there is an American kitchen, a living room with a fireplace and a bathroom with a toilet and a sauna. The gallery area on the upper floor with 2 rooms and a balcony on both sides is extremely cozy. Separate is a social block with toilet with hand basin.
Classification of the plot according to local building regulations:
- for gypsum: industrial utility room - installation mode free-standing - maximum installability: 50% - smallest green area: 30% - maximum building height: 10 m Halls, buildings: - hall with frame saw 187 m2 - carpentry 268 m2 - storage space (wood) 285 m2 - storage space (metal) 160 m2 - 1 piece 300 m3 storage tank for fire water.
- Also, a fish pond with fountain, Equipped with automation
The sales price for the commercial property to be sold in the share deal process is currently:
300 000 EUR-+ 4% commission + lawyer/translation costs + state taxes
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