incredibly 2-level apartment on the shore of the Baltic Sea.
CasabaiatowykiejkiejaSaPartamentinoMorzem, just 24250 meter ó waterproof. Substantialization.
w4-storey ó
Miasto -tartal, even a senses. NEW ABOUT A TRANSPORT OF
SandyplajaStronyzatoki, just 240 meterConsideration of the maniacs, the company ó oacute; wędrugaplaże, hem Europeanbestdestinations, became a good time of beautiful ones.
Fokarium, Latarniamorian, Parkkrajobrazowy, Museums, Tradekroverowiąszeszesze, Historical buildings ó Wiiwościąatowa – Totylkonkt ó
Cenabruts..p.s. 500,000 PLN
Pricem2k ó Rkylokatrska: 5000 PLN