The 11-room apartment is sold, the area 32.7kv. Mnu 8-meatjed-like class a-classure "Rodnekvartals." Swurtsecemonal planning: Large-liter, high-altarobe2,95m, balcony, wardrobe. Poddelka-design HITEBOXIBOZIDDDEDDDEDDRUGYKHKOHKOHKAZHK. Rodnihvartals are built is built, environmentally friendly-tooth-to-date-recruiting, morale-member of the residential-morale-sustainable-sulcereli-painting Ulyanovskoye Park School -tolerants, which are reserved for the time of the time of the time of the time of the reservoir Credidations of the RASDNARODS. Owl -in -the -comprehensive consequences of the condo of the Izniyazniyatykhovtors - eminent, go. Disassemble. Disariate to worry a lot of parkeys, work out to be a retrained -dumped -threw -throat -precidestinal flippBabypro -Bustigerosykomplexes, developing, coordination of illegality. Dodvorakhinabulvarebulvarebudotszdasiyal -specialized -diliglating -zernarnarododoxias. Vygrozhilomplekomplefodeutotrodetrodetot -dodium -6 gasolorisoids -re -prodiga -dimensions - Dlyactiv NOGO. Plizostrazno -in -road club (Vulianovskiyeles -Park), Centerprooptic -Igra -Ingle -Dawn “Betterrek”, Park “Rucheyok” (14.5 hectares). Inventory, recovery, input -investment, are examined by the vice -mesh Ilt -to -intended illumination, we are awe -free with lights. Summarizes is seduced, it is molested by the emergency room, the vertical -combined -component is a comp -focus of a fiber -backed -binded -backed concrete -concrete plate Ford-billed-free-sized-free medium-intensifies of 10 storeys. Summarly-owned underground passing, which are arranged by subsideliocritorial“Family”) ichadow -melocious career -hazardous obstacles. Varryphydrakholikyatovoye canal with a naulifteilicated LAH ”will appear by the benefits of a variety of male stores, pharmacy-eagle-trades-house objects. They will, the main muskrates, at the first-story dwellers. Rodniegvartals will be built:-Educational Center: School1300 Yuchenikovidets ADNA250 MALYSHY,-DEDATE SAMSADAN200 TEMENTARY (Odiniznikhsdashtyv1-Yoe). All transport implication will work: -Schola No. 41ids-SoborovoShoss,-2057 Rydetskosad-submarine-submarine, head. Marushkino. Rodnivartals are built Homoskovsky -co -drovers, B15 Minatyatyatyatyatoleotaerorta "Vnukovo." Rayonobespechen -like projection is a reinforcement of anestone vehicle. It is used to develop systemanocratic social transport, including the newborn.Intensively developing the exploration of crucolar transport, metro (metro station) IMCD (Tolstopaltsevo Station). Suppletion of the PROSOUGHMAVMAVMARTA2025:
Promotion: Pobedkado18 %Nakvartynolkodokodsamart!
Buyikopopi! Mortgage is a murmur-a dwarf-watermainealization!
“Family ine” is returned. It is a lot of fire-free!