The 11-room apartment is sold, the area 36.8 sq. MNA11-meatjedoma-Klassavkhk "Scandinavia." Svartilatic planet ROOVK: Bigolokna, high -altar -top2.95m, balcony. Poddelkapdodelk design Delkivdrughkhokszhk.zhk. Zhkk "Scandinavia" is built on a border-border-residential ground (1610G) with a vicologic unavailable-waist-west separatimoskvy-who is collected by the east-earnema-okhikomfortegalis, to knife a prescription of the maintenance of the derivatives NSZHILIISERVISS, transportation of the Forest Fore Featral Delight, Picture time Piratezhaftaishedeede -Interest. Explime Infrastructure -Klucks, Children's Handsids, Supermarkets, Trade Sports Centers, Veterinarnyklini ki, marine stores of an object of objective lifts. There is a good -state -agent doll. Less -store -based opening stores, children's developing centers, cafes, salons, services. Workshop1775 scientists, children's seats "Magic -Dodolina" on 220Kids, educational complex "Formula" (school of 550 -ecridia "scales) –storoszhk" Belyenochi. "Energia" Energia "at1325 scientific complex" Holste "(school550ids" "School of" "School" Avansi -bunning -bunctional planning, unique -in -editor -in -schedule. Detective -assembled design, prefiguration of the wwhiteboxydoddeli. Invaluable and dilapidated vehicles were examined , multi -level underground parquing -inalift. Str. Metro "Novomoskovskaya" (2023) - 700m, metro station "Kommunarka" –2km, Art . Metro "Teplystan" –7 km, metro "Buninskyalleya" –5.5 km, MKAD - 6.5 km, Kaluga -cancer - 2,9 km. Promotion -Moscow Outza Outz Astroyshkavmarte 2025:
Promotion: Discount7%Nadvartiholkodokodokondsamart! A! (Summarized by the instruments)*
Buyikopopi! Mortgage -murlymakers - a dummy -dodmavaquetization!
"Family ine"Returned. It is stopped by 2.99%of the landlord!
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