Castles for sale in Czech Republic

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There are over 2,000 castles in the Czech Republic. More than half of them belong to the state, the rest are owned by landlords. From time to time, the owners put the castle complexes up for sale. This allows anyone, provided they have enough money, to buy an ancient castle and thus touch the fascinating history of the Czech Republic.

The chateaux are very much in demand on the real estate market. They are owned by local TV presenters, Hollywood stars and professional investors.

What are the benefits of buying a castle in the Czech Republic?

Buildings of this type are used by their owners for a variety of purposes:

  • used as permanent residences;
  • rented out (the vast living space allows the owners to rent the property to several tenants at once);
  • used as historical attractions (owners earn income from tourists visiting the castle).

Some owners renovate castle complexes and turn them into luxury hotels and restaurants. This brings the owners a large and stable income. It has also become a popular trend to set up riding schools on the grounds of castle complexes.

Which castles are available to buy in the Czech Republic and how much they cost

Chateau complexes in the Czech Republic are large-scale residential buildings built during the Middle Ages, ranging in height from 2 to 5 storeys and measuring several thousand square metres. The buildings have a large plot of land. Many of them have a courtyard and a tower in the corner of the building.

The cost of castles in the Czech Republic ranges from 1,500 to 6,000 euros per square meter. The final price depends on the condition of the building, the size of the surrounding land and location. The most expensive are the castle complexes in the suburbs of Prague.

Where is the best place to buy real estate

Good castles are for sale in all towns in the Czech Republic. If you want to use the building as a hotel or historical landmark, it is best to choose Prague. Buying a castle in the outskirts of the Czech capital will allow you to start a highly profitable business. Any city in the country would suit for personal residence.

Buying a castle in the Czech Republic is a profitable investment in the future. Such properties are suitable for permanent residence and business purposes. On the REALTING platform you will find Czech castles for sale.

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