BernhardsthalisteineinTundevonwienvonwienleichtreichen. Břecberlavbernhardsthalistdeal outlet output point for tour bike-hilly landscaping of the wing area. iSer-ferdinand-nordbahn.sißammenfärmjahr year1839undist the oldest retention railway construction Austria.Weinviertels, Wosichbernhardst half, Beschenenschönenenbergenund border limit and the eager to the region. Ionschonsag, Senienscheiserbergembuschberg, the highest elevation of the wing, one-part of the ideeal location. Flüssemarchundthayalassassassensicham best -perkajakkunde. Wine adventure -special area -specific region -based region -like -in -line-Weinviertellinerland
Autarkeszinhausalbauechtsbiaktobjekt - Approval and source and source water water water water, Most of the Mitholz HeatingaufeinemBaurechtsgrundstück,wobeidermonatlicheBaurechtszins516,67 € beträgt.DasHausbestehtauseinemVollkellerplusvierObergeschossenundverfügtübereinenGemeinschaftsgartenvonca.1.500m²sowiesechsParkplätzedirektvordemHaus.ZusätzlichbefindetsichaufdemGrundstückeineigenesGaragengebäudefürdreiAutosmiteinerFlächevonca.68m².AusstattungundZustand:
- Alle Wohnungen sind befristet vermietet.
- Die Liegenschaft wird über Brunnenwasser versorgt und verfügt über eine eigene Kläranlage , which was completely renewed in 2023.
- The windows and all wet rooms have been modernized in recent years. Heated with single stoves for wood. Apartments No. 1 and 2 were also equipped with infrared heating in 2022.
- The house was newly measured in 2021, the fireplace was completely renovated in early 2023.
- There is an unsuccessful pointed floor (approx. 68 m²) as well as a dandruff (approx. 55 m²).
apartments & condition:
Die apartments of average grant. Top deposit cover temporary. 0378,2294,3574747,3519,82Garagetop2150.00 18, 3215,071,6016,3220,0032.341.202430.202773.00432,2787,4551,95571.40Garagetop3 18.3220,0041253.6415.20 2314.02.202673,00400 . 01.06.202330.05.202673,00485 , 0087.18572,22572,188 01.202528.202879,00357,98946,8246,68513.50 625,643256,13953.91 4291.48P.A. 39073.255%Wirbewraufhin that the wiping agent and the ordering provider is close to the company. Wirtsendaraufhin, which is biped by the intermediary and mediator -third -family or economy -related relationship. BR/> School < 2000m
Kindergarten < 2000m
local supply
supermarket < 2.250m
bakery < 6.750m
ATMOTOMAT < 2,250m
Bank < 2,250m
Post < 7,000m
police < 2000m
Bus < 2000m
Bahnhof < 2,250m
Information removal air line/source: OpenStreetMap