For the Crown of Hands of Arenadlya, you will recover: the apartments of the development planning of the grantedematic proxy “The Kingdom” Someone -to -and -and -over -time -male and more projects of the same time, the construction of the 2019 year, asdachakomplenami 2025 years old, is the time
, independently into -the -regulation of the regulatory building, are of the construction Stvannasi, the investigation of international, international standards.
Each staple inspectors, except for this, are checked by construction equipment, materials, use -based construction, and inspection, inspection The hibernation of the Building of the
building 5 years old.
district \ beach: the project is projected by thevsamserdseriaonamamkhutlar, in the condition of 600 metro-cutter. Etacigialsacactively reconstructs, the construction is opened and openshops, cafes, offices offering artillery services. Slizyshigoda, flooring, storage -reproachful of the Plant -Minoononomorod Orniks, Bolshoilism of Permarkets, shopping and grooves, vegetables, meat -shifts. Incompletely accessibility of the DEMARY, beautiful -Square, beautifullyaberet The military meter will be
of the consisting of 5-green-in-painting territory-tracertoral-bogogata-infrastructure.
The entire complex of the complex of the Forestry-Seauclea-Summority, electricity, electric vehicles, own accelerates Ekinotardotryat -doped -plate -plate -winged interest.
inside: all -circuits of the SPULITY -OFFICISTION, SPREASING Building Little Editorial Materials, only Evil Clans. It will be used to set the very functional planning of the scam, theyThoughtful householders, for a man -to -commed -reduced meter -by -spell R> 1+1-General Plopecium68-96 Quarterometers
2+1 general site122-202-202-1
3+1 general site191-201-201-201-201-201-201-201-20 ymeter
penthouses2+1.3+1,4+1 general site131-38888 88kvara meters
Reporting, some planning vovasineretimov EshlepamplanykvartiRydribrine user.
will be interested: this is accustomed to the same to the Avatoriyanodnodnoye swimmer. If
Sminted, dyed, comfortable, thoughtful, multifunctional complex, oxide, seniority-unit жениедлявас.Есливыпривыкликкачественномужилью,носейчаснеимеетеполнойсуммынаруках-этотожепредложениедлявас.Послезаключениядоговораивыплаты10%первоначальноговзноса,выполучаетевозможностьоплатитьоставшуюсясуммуврассрочкубезпроцентовдоконцаConstruction. Take a way to write offshore