For arandydlya investments, you will recover: Apartments of the Immerichevniystvozhniykhleznakholmaholmaholmaholmaholmaryona. The construction: Construction of the complexion of 2022 years, Azaverniya is planned with 2023. The first -the -Military Highness of30%, the action Passable for therassed and accommodation. Riion \ beach: an alarzed -binded -ion for central planning, B40kmotaer Portage Speespash, embracing ziportoros, a volume of a carrier Syproductol-Issue, restaurants of the ICFAFAFA, beautifullyaberes, parks, children's systems, equipped with equipped with cocked-up affiliation of the City of Infrastructure. STRECTIONALLYAROLECTIONAL: NESTRETY TERRITIARICEDENDARICEDENDARICARY BELLOCKALAGE-BLLCNARTER, Open, Open Assane, Miniklub, Children's Flood, Open -Parquiprovka, Readjaibarbeku Zonhaibarbeku, Tables, Billiards, Fitness. Complexkitchen wart -browned -compulsed Sanouss. Planning:
1+1 Perevyaduyud46M2P60M2;
2+1 Platia67M2I68M2;
3+ 1Penthaus -shows177M2;
4+1Penthaus -Beshadu164M2 Free, after -sales service,
also compromised to the scammers of the frequency of the Plant56.60M2Po154.2M2. Completely interesting: New ADDSEMENTERYOOBA, Close -Centorulus, Sinfrastructure, Sinfestation, Nastadia Building.