For arandydlya investments, you will recover: Apartments of -Epenthauskoye -Kleklecentremahmutlara, Alania.
Observation: New Committee of Complex Busynovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnovodnomysmysmysamysamysamsamysamyamysamsamysamyamysamsamysamyamysamsamysamyamysamsamysamyamysamsamysamyamysamsamysamyamysamyamysamyamysamsamysamyamysamyamysamsamyamysamyamysamsamyamysamyamysamy -pupular radions, Makhmutlarekznettryu 2024. 0%is granted arassed -to -eat -to -eating, nasrocodesum building.
District \ Beach: NEWLE -LEVELOMENCULEMENTROPETENTRENTRENTRARACHMUTLARA, B600 metro -conveyance of MOVERMORY Itoenfrastructure, landscaped territory, as well as the same -vehicle of the Minor -in -Turistic Center -Center Erinarnykliniki, hypermarketylovka, an atactive store of aid -reed -shaped dwelling. Evaluity -to -combine exception of a reference to a reference to a martyr withdrawalInvestment potential.
What: complexes of the deposit -central mission, foster access to the imposition of theotryanovylitsybarbaros, where the mainsocial infrastructure: large gypermarkets, network -selling stores, restaurants, cafes, and confectionery Jeepecarny, fruit -stones, bus installations ANIICHRULY GOOD: Lobibismamide of the Ceremonies, Modern Phytnesal, Zonapassaunuan, Sads -Flower Summarians, Sumynybasidlavetsrochods. Vesteritolykomplegodeddete -dimensions, also a territory of the territory -preservation of parking Omplexabunsuatuvetuvetuvoi The next objective object -bearing block complex:
apartments planning1+1, area50–53m2;
apartmentslayout1+1, area 80–82m2;
penthusplaning3+1, square1388Do162M2.
Apart from the design of the design, design records of a murderer Ilea. Keramic stamp, door -resistant, interior panels, at anxy -winged -winged is prepared -by -quality of the Materiacs of the Treasury of Male Technician rooms, modular kukhonnaya -meble, at anxigardrros.
will be of interest: convenient to -the -storage is a development of the development of the expansion and compoundation The span, modern design of the process of implications of resources of the comprehensive comprehensive forms, which, vibrants, guarantees a purchaser of the earnings.