Apartment M4 on Krzemieniecka Street in Łódź. The apartment is for complete renovation. Area 53m2, with a balcony. The apartment is located on the 4th floor and consists of three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.
The advantage of the apartment is its location - the best in the city. Opposite the Park on Zdrowiu. 100 m away - kindergarten, 150 m away - primary school. Nearby High School No. XXVI. On the other side of the street there is a Park, Orientarium and Botanical Garden. The apartment is quiet, its windows face east and west. There is an old parquet floor on the floor, all windows have been replaced. Metal entrance door.
The entrance to the block is equipped with a barrier, the remote control of which is available only to residents.
Interested persons, please contact
Oleh Zaitsev
House Factory
570 888 295