Działki Kalavasos, Cyprus

Kalavasos, Cyprus


  • Kraj
  • Region / Państwo
  • Okolica
  • Wioska


The general area between Kalavasos , Zigi and Mari is experiencing substantial investments in industrial and infrastructure in- cluding fuel reserve parks , port, cement production facilities etc. It is anticipated that the need for housing shall rise significantly over the next 5 years. The plot is on the outskirts of Kalavasos village next to an area of newly developed plots and houses. The submission for the division plans dated 14/4/2011 at the Housing department has expired ,though it is possible to apply for a re-issue of the planning permit. The planning zone is for low density residential property.
Zaktualizowano: 24.07.2024

Lokalizacja na mapie

Kalavasos, Cyprus
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