EOS TURKEY PROPERTY’s first principle is professionalism & full service. Our service starts from first second that the investor contact and will keep continously. In our history there have been over +$300M transactions in Turkey real estate market with the overseas investors from different countries like Iran, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, China, UK, USA, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Libya, Tunusia, Nigeria, South Africa etc.
80% of our portfolio comes from referance customer that shows how we run long term healthy relations with our portfolio. As a team, we are dedicated and fully concantrated sales professionals and ready to provide all requirements about investment and immigration services.
Kupno, sprzedaż, inwestowanie, zarządzanie nieruchomościami, pomoc w zakresie usług bankowych, identyfikacji podatkowej, projektowania wnętrz, imigracji i wszystkich działań posprzedażowych – jesteśmy gotowi pomóc Ci 24/7