Every 25th house in the Netherlands costs more than €1 million. How much does it cost to maintain these houses?
Ten years ago, only 14,000 private properties in the Netherlands cost more than €1 million, but now that figure has risen to 195,000. This is a result of the increase in housing costs.
Currently, one in every 25 homes in this country sells for more than €1 million. The most million-dollar homes are in Amsterdam (20,100), followed by The Hague (10,900 homes), and Rotterdam (5,250 homes). The report is shared by the research company Calcasa.
How the number of houses per million euros changed
In Amsterdam, there are five streets with the most houses worth more than 1 million euros: Keizersgracht street with 578 houses, Prinsengstracht (about 500 houses), Valeriusstraat (more than 350 properties), Herengracht — more than 300 houses; and Johannes Verhulststraat (more than 250 houses).
Calcasa also identified 10 streets where EVERY house is worth more than 1 million euros. Three of them are in the green suburb of The Hague, Wassenaar.
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The reverse side of owning such expensive houses is the increase in maintenance costs. Firstly, because of rising house prices, the property tax in 2022 has become much higher: the average property tax assessment for such a house is now more than €850, whereas previously it was about 750 euros.
What is interesting is that local council taxes also vary greatly. For example, in Amsterdam, a relatively low rate of 0.04%, while in other municipalities it can be much higher. Thus, it turns out that the owner of a property worth more than €1 million in Bloemendaal will pay almost €1,400 per year in local taxes, and the owner in Amsterdam — about €500.
Energy costs are also rising rapidly: millionaire homeowners spend on average more than €7250 annually on gas and electricity. Compare that to 2021 — back then it was only about €3300.
Calcasa estimates that people who own a home worth more than €1 million will pay an average of €40,000 a year in mortgage payments, bills, and taxes.
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