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A 11.71 -acre home owner is sold near the Paupis district in an exclusive, quiet, surrounded corner of the Rasan colony. Plot with registered structures. Such offers are rare in the market, and do not miss the opportunity to create a dream home in this unique area. The proposal is valid up to 2024-08-01.Advantages:
➢ Buildings registered on the plot: Residential house 122.84 sq.m.; Two outbuildings, two garages, two yard cellars, other yard buildings.
➢ plot in one of the most coveted areas of the city, next to the Old Town, Paupis and Užupis;
➢ Plot in a block of individual houses;
➢ Convenient communication with the city center, Old Town and other districts by car and public transport;
➢ Exceptional relief plot will provide a lot of creative space for your architect and your dream to fulfill
General information:
➢ Address - Balandžių g. 15, Rasa, Vilnius;
➢ area - 11.71 acres;
➢ Purpose - different;
➢ Land use - residential territories;
➢ the nature of the use of the land - the construction of low -rise dwellings;
➢ cadastral measurements;
Characteristics of the building according to the detailed plan of the Marks:
➢ Number of floors - 1 floor with attic, additionally plinth floor;
➢ the density of the building is 15% (175.65 sq. M);
➢ the intensity of the building - up to 0.4 (468.4 sq. M);
➢ the type of building - single or two -dimensional;
➢ the height of the structures is up to 12 meters;
➢ Electricity - brought to a dwelling house, in the air line;
➢ Gas - a possible connection to the gas track on Balandės Street;
➢ Water - a possible connection to the city water supply near the plot on Balandžių Street;
➢ Wastewater - a possible connection to the sewage network next to the plot on April Street;
➢ 1.95 km to Vilnius city center;
➢ 0.20 km to the bus stop;
➢ 0.95 km to the RIMI store;
➢ 0.72 km to the LIDL store;
➢ 1.3 km to the Paupis Market;
➢ 0.16 km to the kindergarten smile;
➢ 2.1 km to Užupis Gymnasium;
➢ 1.4 km to Vilnius Antanas Vienuolis progymnasium;
➢ 1.1 km to Subačius viewing platform;
It can be a place for your new home or for a new project!You kindly invite you to come to the inspection and see the plot live! You can call at any time - we'll find a convenient time for your inspection. Need funding? - Our partners will provide a free consultation on loan issues. You are considering selling your assets, but you are hesitant about the price - I will advise you. Vaida Kalinauskaitė - Van der Laan
Lntaa certified real estate broker
All the latest Capital real estate ads can be found on our website You are welcome to visit!
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