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Plots from € 800/a
Next to Panevezys and Nevėžis! From Kaunas border 21.6 km. Youtube link:
Selling plots for sale in residential and commercial objects, formed in a detailed plan!
Zone 1 - 25 plots, a total of 249.85 a residential purpose (from 7.05 a to 13.98 a) - 1500 €/a
Zone 2 - 9 plots, a total of 111.16 a residential (10.48 a to 15.38 a) - 1200 €/a
Zone 3 - 12 plots, a total of 139.36 a residential purpose (7.85 a to 14.35 a) - 800 €/a
Other - 2 plots, a total of 91.84 a commercial purpose (29.52 a and 62.32 a) - 1500 €/a
Zone 1 - There are electricity, the roads are brought, partial water supply - 1500 €/a
Zone 2 - There are electricity, the roads brought - 1200 €/a
Zone 3 - is electricity - € 800/a
I help to arrange documents to obtain a bank loan and choose the most favorable terms offered by the bank. We check if you can get public funding for a loan. If you want to sell your property - I consult all matters.NT broker Laimonas Landauskas tel.:
- a technical design of "water supply and sewage disposal, environmental protection and communication" and issued building permit under TP for new structures (artesian borehole and water supply networks, biological treatment facilities and household sewage networks, local roads);
- plots surrounded by nature near Panevezys and Nevėžis River;
- The roads of the quarter are on the paved road no. 1940 Vareikoniai -Panevėžys -Cinkiškiai;
- the quarter is formed by a detailed plan, cadastral cases are prepared;
- The detailed plan solutions are in line with Kaunas district. General Plan and Kaunas district, Babtai eldership, Kaniūkų k. part of the special plan;
- There is a local block of quarter and six blinds for comfortable access to the plots. The road is in the fields.The road is crossed by land reclamation ditch;
- the terrain is blurred, the surface water drains on the ground surface of the land reclamation ditch;
- to lay self -grade household drainage networks;
- new electricity transformer quarter, electricity brought to most plots;
- newly emerging settlement; Two houses have already been built.
General information:
- Address: Kaunas r. sav., Babtai eldership, Kaniūkų k.Ąžuolų str., Ausių str. and projected Klevų str.
- total residential 46 plots - 500.37 A;
- the total area of 2 plots formed in the territory of commercial objects - 91.84 A;
- Water supply and wastewater are provided locally, but there are Panevezys with centralized networks.
Location and infrastructure:
- Nevėžis nearby;
- Distance to Kaunas center: 28.6 km;
- Distance to Kaunas border at Fort IX: 21.6 km;
- Babtai Gymnasium: 4.5 km;
- MEGA shopping center: 24.3 km;
- the nearest Siesta restaurant: 2.1 km;
⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂⌂ You can find all the latest Capital real estate ads on our website You are welcome to visit!
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