Residential properties for sale in Yerevan, Armenia page 3

211 properties total found

Frequently asked questions about Yerevan real estate

Yes, it is possible to buy housing in Yerevan online without visiting the city. It is necessary to contact a trusted Yerevan real estate agency, which will help you select an object, conclude a purchase agreement and make a money transfer to the seller.
In the secondary market a square meter of houses and apartments costs 1000-2000 euros. In new buildings the price of real estate in Yerevan is 10-20% higher on average.
The highest price is for apartments and apartments in the central part of the city. On the outskirts, the price per square meter rarely exceeds 1200 euros.
In terms of infrastructure, the best locations are Kentron and Arabkir. Both are in the center, offering a large number of stores, offices and metro stations. An apartment bought in these neighborhoods can be rented out at a high cost.
If you want to buy a house in an ecologically quiet place, you should consider Achapniak and Avan. These are cozy "green" districts located a short distance from the center.