Sale of 4-room apartment, Pruzhansky s/s, Pruzhansky r-1/1 & nbsp; storey brick house, square 66.6 / 35.9 / 7.9 m & sup2;, no balcony, san/knot - combined, year of construction 1957, metal door, with decoration, fenced area.
LOT 3401. Apartment in a blocked residential building in the village of Slobudka, Pruzhansky district. Separate entrance. The walls are brick, the roof is a cipher. The apartment has been renovated. Ceilings are tensioned, the floor is laminate, linoleum and tiles, the walls are glued with wallpaper. The bathroom combined. The ceiling height is 2.8 m. The land plot is 16.61 acres on the right of lifelong inherited ownership. There are additional hoes. constructions. Gas central and central heating and water supply: water supply system and sewerage central. and and and . Guarantor of Success. Guarantor of success
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