Residential properties for sale in Azerbaijan

2 properties total found

Guides on Buying Real Estate in Azerbaijan

Frequently asked questions about real estate for sale in Azerbaijan

The cost of housing in Azerbaijan is influenced by its location. The most expensive price is in Baku, where prices per square meter range from 1,000 to 1,500 euros. Selling real estate in Azerbaijan in Ganja is 10-15% cheaper.
In other locations, the cost per square varies from 500 to 1000 euros. However, luxury properties can cost the same as real estate in the capital.
Foreign persons can acquire any properties in unlimited quantities, with the exception of land. To purchase, foreigners need to have a foreign passport, a certificate of current marital status and an open account in one of the local banks from which funds will be transferred to the seller.
Property acquired in Baku, Sumgait and Ganja has great investment attractiveness. These are the largest and most developed cities in the country, where a purchased property can be rented out at a profit or sold after a while at a higher cost. The listed locations are also well suited for personal residence.