Mieszkanie 1 pokój 199 m² Turcja, Turcja

Cena na żądanie


  • Kraj

Charakterystyka obiektu

Parametry mieszkania

  • Rooms:
  • Bedrooms:
  • Bathrooms:
  • Powierzchnia całkowita
    Powierzchnia całkowita
    199 m²


Meet the most beautiful shades of green and blue at Lake Homes.

Thanks to the proximity of Lake Homes to Milas-Bodrum Airport, you can easily reach your home without waiting and wasting your energy on the roads. Host the sun and nature in your home for all four seasons with the captivating panoramic view of Tuzla Lake, giving its name to Lake Homes.

More accessible compared to its peers in Bodrum, Lake Homes is suitable for every budget and makes you smile when you are one of its residents. It makes the holiday life you have always dreamed of a part of your life.

Experience the warm atmosphere of the Aegean region at Lake Homes, which is a profitable investment responding to all your needs.

You may find flamingos dancing on a spring morning at your window opening to one of the undiscovered natural wonders Tuzla Bird Sanctuary. Home to many rare bird species from flamingos to wild geese, this untouched natural miracle is right next to you.

You don't need to go far away for that dream holiday of yours, just open your door! Enjoy your days in the pool, comfortable lodges where you can get lost in the pages of a book, and relaxation areas while sipping your delicious cocktails. Take the first step for your Bodrum adventure. Standing out with its numerous privileges, let Lake Homes be an indispensable part of the rest of your life.

Zaktualizowano: 26.04.2024

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Stopa procentowa, %
Okres kredytowania, lata
Koszt nieruchomości
Płatność początkowa, %
{{ initialPaymentCurrency }} EUR
Uwaga!!! Zmienili Państwo parametr koszt mieszkania na {{ differentPrice }}%. Wpływa to na zasadność wyliczenia miesięcznych płatności za obecną nieruchomość. Odłóż to.
Stopa procentowa
{{ loanPercentValue.toLocaleString() }} %
Stopa procentowa
Kwota pożyczki
{{ mortgageAmount }} EUR
Kwota pożyczki
{{ loanPeriodValue | pluralize("rok", "lata") }}
Płatność miesięczna
{{ paymentPerMonth }} EUR
Płatność miesięczna
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