Residential properties for sale in Lebanon

1 property total found

Frequently asked questions about Lebanon real estate

On average per sq. meter apartments in the center of large cities such as Beirut and Tripoli, owners ask from 1000 to 2000 euros. In small villages in Lebanon, property prices range from 700 to 1200 euros.
In addition to the location, the newness of the housing is taken into account. Apartments in new buildings are 10-20% more expensive than in old buildings.
The most attractive city in terms of investment is Beirut. This is the capital and main resort of the country. Property purchased here in Lebanon can be used for personal residence or profitably rented out.
In addition to Beirut, Tripoli and Jbeil are in high demand. These are large cities with a well-developed social infrastructure, offering a large selection of comfortable apartments.
Foreigners with a passport and a tourist visa can buy real estate in Lebanon. You must also obtain permission to purchase by contacting your local Council of Ministers.