Trest Promstroy

Belarus, Минск
Trest Promstroy
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On the platform
2 years 7 months
17 properties
English, Русский, Français, Italiano
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  • Experience: 30 years

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Cottage village
Pliski sielski Saviet, Belarus
The year of construction 2023
Number of floors 2
< p > The implementation of construction projects will be carried out on lines to avoid endless construction. The implementation of the project will be divided into the 4 stage. < p > Currently, Construction of the tail 1 is underway within the street 1 -th in the number of 18 houses. < br /> The implementation period of the entire project will take the period from 2021 to 2023. < p > < p > All conditions for a comfortable life are provided < ul > < li > Urban environment < li > Comfort and security < li > The club town has housing attributes modern, while guaranteeing privacy and comfort. < li > Communications < li > Gas, water, wastewater are brought to each house and joined through a common system. < li > Architecture < li > The architectural and stylistic diversity of the village corresponds to the modern understanding of the country house. < li > Design Code < li > Brick, tiles, wood, metal, plaster. The general principle of zoning the fence is 1.6 meters high. < li > Forest < li > The forest territory adjacent to the village will be comfortably ennobled and equipped. < li > Roads < li > The town has 2 access roads, on the perimeter of the village roads and sidewalks are paved with tiles. < li > Shops < li > A store within walking distance with all the necessary assortment will be located in the urbanized area. < li > Sports area < li > Modern multifunctional platform for sports and healthy lifestyles. < li > Children's Play Area < li > Timely Play Area that your children will like. < li > Recreation area < li > A public square to relax and meet friends will be located nearby. < li > Prices < li > Affordable price range, a house with a plot will cost the price of an apartment in Minsk.
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