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An ultra-luxury project located in a quiet location, hidden behind the lively nature, the Taurus mountains, low traffic, high-rise buildings and all the hustle and bustle of Alanya! The project has options of two bedrooms and a living room of 135 square meters, three bedrooms and a living room of 170 square meters, a three bedrooms and a living room of 150 square meters, a four bedrooms and a living room of 220 square meters.These properties for sale in Alanya is situated on an exclusive location, making it a truly architectural delight. Tall windows provide ample sunlight throughout all areas of these exclusive luxury homes. Inspired by tranquility, these properties for sale have a strong security system that provides a constant sense of security. Being in the ultra luxury category, it is a high income investment property, offering a rich legacy to investors and families. There is a sauna, relaxation room, a large ındoor and outdoor swimming pools, children's playground, and a large landscape lush garden. The complex also has a hall that can be used for study and cinema. Besides being an architectural marvel, it is a secure site with excellent security services. There is a fitness and life support center. It is attractively priced and a preferred investment property for the potential buyer.The flamboyant apartments for sale in Alanya has been meticulously detailed with a contemporary and extremely practical floor plan. This building, which was always built for convenience, is at the center of the main street, market and shopping areas, educational institutions and health institutions. It is 1250 meters away from the Alanya,Kargıcak beaches. You can reach International Gazipaşa Airport in half an hour by traveling 24 kilometers. The residents of this residence are among the top business families and top corporate professionals.Designed to offer a living space and holiday life, the project offers flexible installments with only 30% down payment. Construction of the complex started in August 2021 and will finish in December 2022. Buying a house in Alanya, especially project houses, provides the privilege of purchasing with affordable prices in the first place. In later processes, these apartments can be rented or offered for sale at high prices.
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