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COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR SALE AT VYTENIO G. 20, NAUJAMISTYS, VILNIUS. Unique premises in one of the most modernized areas of Vilnius - Naujamiestis. This is a district that has recently become a real heart of the city, combining culture, business and modern city life. The premises are characterized not only by a convenient location, but also by universal spaces that you can easily transform according to your needs. High ceilings and industrial style allow you to create a modern living or working environment that is also perfect for lofts. The premises for sale are perfect for representatives of creative fields, as well as for Show-rooms - if you are looking for an exclusive, modern place to present your goods or services. There are restaurants, galleries, offices and other attractions nearby. The premises are convenient to reach both by public transport and by your own car.If you are looking for a space that would become part of your business or creativity in a rapidly developing area of the capital, these premises are an ideal choice!
– Address: Vytenio g. 20, Naujamiestis, Vilnius;
– Year of construction: 1970;
– Purpose of use: manufacturing, industrial/storage;
– Floor: 1 of 4;
– Parking spaces: 5 (in the courtyard).
– House type: brick;
– Wall material: brick;
– Heating: central;
– Water supply: city;
– Sewerage: city;
– There is a possibility of excavating the floor ~ 1 m;
– Heights:
- 4.4 m to beams.
- 4.6 m to ceiling.
Total area of premises: 896.61 sq.m.
- 1st floor: 583.52 sq.m. + 82.65 sq.m. (common use). Total: 666.17 sq.m.
- basement: 189.71 sq.m. + 40.73 sq.m. (common use).Total: 230.44 sq.m.
– Total: 1,200,000 Eur;
– VAT is not applicable to the property.
– There are many shops, shopping centers, various restaurants and institutions around.
– The premises are just 10 min. walk from the Old Town and 2 km from the bus and railway stations.
– The airport is conveniently accessible by both private and public transport within 10 min.
– The new city center (Konstitucijos pr.) is accessible within 10 min.
– Most ministries and other government institutions are located in the Old Town or the New Town, quickly accessible on foot or by transport. You can find all the latest CAPITAL real estate ads on our website We invite you to visit!
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