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Erfahren Sie mehr
The building is located next to the southern periphery of Loven Park, on "GM" Blvd. Dimitrov "to the intersection with Simeonovsko shose Blvd.
The proximity of the park, the zoo, the fast transport links with the rest of the city make the location one of the most desired places for living in Sofia.
The building is designed in such a way that the residential part is entirely facing the south and the silence of the inner residential neighborhood. The residential entrances are located to the south and are organized in two entrances. The residential floors have 4 apartments at the entrance. On the top floor are situated 2 apartments with an entrance with large southern terraces and a view of Vitosha Mountain.
The common areas are compact but spacious. Lifts serve up to 8 people.
The apartments are functional and spacious. Each of them has at least one southern terrace with access from the living room and the bedroom. Each apartment has its own warehouse, almost all of which are provided in the apartments. In the basement there are additional storage rooms.
The ground floor has shops with showcases to the boulevard. In the eastern part of the first three floors are separate offices with a separate entrance.
Parking is on the ground as well as underground, with the ramp located on the side street. This way the exit is convenient and easy to get in the two directions of the boulevard.
The building is heated by central heating. The bathrooms are with underfloor heating and additional boiler outlets are provided.
On the façade is also provided power supply for mounting of external blinds, as well as plugs for multi-split air conditioners.
The facades are made of facade plaster in two colors and the insulation is stone wool with a thickness of 10 cm. The glazing of the residential part is made of aluminum joinery, with triple glazing.
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