Residential properties for sale in Sweden

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Questions and Answers for Sweden

There are no special conditions or restrictions on real estate in Sweden for foreigners: they can freely buy and sell it on an equal basis with local citizens. The only type of property that is subject to restrictions for foreigners is agricultural land and nature conservation areas.
For the country as a whole - about 317 thousand euros, but much depends on the region. The highest prices on Swedish property for sale - on average 592 thousand euros. For comparison - in Western Sweden the average price of a residential property is about 336 thousand. The most moderate cost of housing in Sweden is in the regions of Central Norrland - 171.5 thousand and Upper Norrland - 199 thousand euros.
No. Remote purchase is quite common: it is enough to send the agency a power of attorney translated into Swedish.
Among the cities, the most popular are Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, among the regions - Skåne and Norrbotten.