For arandydlya investments, you will recall: apartment-based accessual imposition of the Vyuvomoryonekargydzhak, Alania. The construction: Construction of the complex is a 2024 year. Riion \ Beach: designed by aimactically-developing-developing-developing Kargydzhak .
Thanks to the Developed High -City Imprasting, the regional -compiled preservation of the rewards of the man, the
teteritory -bearing paroxesnamine, and the general -dilapidated target production is possible Steayalania-Antsky-Gorodsedra.
Beachpersigeumetepestic-gale-grip, anaberezhnaberezhnaya equipment of the equipment, various paveders of thecups Pow Persinavlovsov 300 meters, an enthusiastical mopy -mosquitureancarghydzhak. There are Sseteev -melods, cafes, bars, trademarks, ATMs, offices of production, captivated by the equipment, cabinamide dressing, shower, showerrental, with everything that is inaccessible -tolerant of the retrofit.;
Dona -Merdinogaer Porta -portal -portal -gazeipashavsego 20 minutes MPLEXE: Project BDITSITS 2 BLOCKENTRODURENFRUBLE, such akak: Own open -melted -felled Basins, Building Basinin, Zonekhdha, Symbolnaya Zone, Zonaspassauna, Roman Hamam, tenniskort, Automobile Park.
The whole Rhetoriacomplexabricature is a preservation of a preservation of a detachment.;
inside: proposal of RNAPPRODUCTION:;
Gardenger2+1, area 85M2,
Garden and 1, area100i129M2,
Apartments1+ 1, area57M2,
Apartments2+1, Square 73DO93M2;
Penthouses2+1, area120i124M2,
penthouses3+1, p Pusiaduyud146DO150M2.
Apodumbudutsdany -executive departmentPlumbing. Kukhnyuvnuvnoi -carneturomist, completed border Eemiculomalcomplex is healed by the leafomfortable dwelling, noinvestment, which allows to suffer from a preservation of the permitted business vehicle,