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For sale a plot of land located outside the city with an area of 11875 m2 in Greece on the Halkidiki peninsula. This land plot is suitable for the construction of one or more residential properties, a residential complex, a small hotel and is ideal for those who want to invest their savings in real estate in Greece and Europe.
The plot is connected to: central water supply, electricity. The plot offers views of the sea, mountains, forest.
The plot is located 350 meters from the beach and 3 km from the popular tourist village with developed infrastructure, where there are many Greek taverns, restaurants, eateries, beach bars and cafeterias.
This land plot is very easy to acquire in private ownership, and by doing this you will profitably invest and insure your savings and acquire the basis for a business in Greece that brings a stable income. Also, the purchase of this property gives you the right to obtain a residence permit in Greece.
P.S. The land plot passes into lifelong private ownership. Before buying a land plot, it is necessary to conduct a professional land examination and check the certified building standards and the certificate for the use of the land. Each site must be accompanied by a certificate from the Forestry Department, a certificate from the Archaeological Department. Also, it is necessary to have a topographic plan of the site, information about construction opportunities (values of construction coefficients) for the construction of a commercial object (hotel) and for housing construction.
Additional information:
From the sea: 350 m
From the city: 3 km
Construction permit: you must obtain
Water supply: yes, supplied
Electricity: yes, summed up
Permission from the forestry department: Yes, there is
Permission from the archaeological farm: yes, there is
Topographic plan: yes, available
Terrain: Smooth
The length of the facade: 100 meters
Location: outside the city
Construction: private house, private complex, commercial
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